My ideal job…..


Hello everyone! Today I will count on my ideal job.

I between to study veterinary medicine with the objective of to help one way or other to animals that need it and be useful in hard work of promote the proper treatment of animals and educate the population on the respect that we have him at the other species with whom we share the planet.

My ideal job would be in an institution or organization that is dedicated to the conservation of species, to the rescue of endangered wildlife and to rehabilitation of animals that need so exotic as domestic animals, also that educate the population on sustainable agricultural and livestock resources for a economic development that is friendly to biodiversity.

For this I should work in any NGOs or, as already I've been told several people, in the National Environmental Commission, in the National Forestry Corporation, or in the Agriculture and Livestock Service. I think the latter could be a good choice about when choosing an institution to work, because it has personal specializes in several areas, from direct work with livestock, to control of alien species and exotic.

With respect to people that I could work, in any work finds all kinds of people (as in the university xD), from people you like and share your ideas and principles, to people who have nothing in common with you, but I think in this type of work is more easily find the first, because it is a job that requires a lot of vocation, from the boss to oneself and that requires much effort for efficient work. The pay? I have no idea about that, but I think work doing something you do not like is, in some way, wasting your life

Well, that's all friends =D

My favorite subject....


Hi everyone!
Well today i will talk about my favorite subject: the zoology.
I think of all the classes we have in university, this is the one most closely related to our career.
I've always liked zoology, indeed in other parts of the world zoology is a specialty of biology and is more common as profession but here in Chile is not so common.
When you enter the career, this was the class I'm most excited and I do not disappoint.
The class is not called zoology, If not animal diversity and discusses the various animal groups, as classified, internal and external anatomy and its relationship with the other groups and families of animals. At first it was a bit boring as, because classes tried very simple animals, but as time goes on and we learned about animals more complex and nearby to humans, joined laboratories and practical work, more interesting they became.
This class will help us for future classes of anatomy and practical work to go accustomed to working in laboratory, I think it is a very important class...
good that =D

Jacques-Yves Cousteau


I chose Jacques-Yves Cousteau to because always i admires his love for the environment and his struggle for the preservation of marine life, here's your biographies:

(Saint-André-de-Cubzac, June 11 of 1910 - Paris, June 25 of 1997)

Was French naval officer, explorer and researcher who studied the sea and several known forms of life in the water. Was also an underwater photographer, and was the first to popularize underwater video films. The filming of his explorations with the ship "Calypso" have been broadcast on television for years around the world. It was the precursor of SCUBA diving and one of the first people to defend the marine environment from pollution, passionate about finding and describing all species that inhabit the seas of the globe.

Within the Cousteau legacy left to the world, include:

-Revealed the underwater life through more than 115 television documentaries and films (L'Odyssée sous-marine du Commandant Cousteau for television or the world of silence for the cinema, among others).

-Contributed to the knowledge of marine species, classification and behavior.

-New marine species discovered.

-Cameras adapted to the aquatic environment.

-It was an imaginative and brilliant popularizer of science.

-Contributed to the underwater medicine.

-It was a great advocate and guardian of the environment.

-He designed a boat driven by wind power.

-He fought for the Antarctic was devoted to peace and science, today mandate of the International Treaty and the Madrid Protocol.


When i was in the school, i am participate in the theater club (i love the theater!) and want be actress, but i know that the actors have a complicated life and i decided enter to biology elective. When i leave of the school i join to Marinan biology in the Catholic University. In the beginning i like the career but i love animals and wanted to work more directly with them so enter to study veterinarian and..... i am here!
I would like work whit exotic animals, maybe the SAG or some ONG and actually i volunteer work in Center of rescue and rehabilitation of primates in Peñaflor (too need volunteers!!!! =D).
In the future want specializeme in them and help



Hello! my name is Javiera Enriquez, I'm nineteen years old, i live in Peñaflor, my birthday is March seven and actually i study Veterinary Medicine in the University of Chile. I elected this career because i love the animals and like work with them.
I have four pretty cats, one have 5 years old and 3 have 3 years old, and two temperamental turtles of 7 years old.
I thinks that this blog serve me for keepme connected with the others and share with my classmate.

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